At Laurie Singer Behavioral Services, we specialize in behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. These evidence-based (meaning well-researched and proven effective) disciplines help us to help individuals identify unproductive behaviors and the thoughts and feelings that contribute to them. We provide them with practical tools that help them change all three – and create positive changes in their lives.
After a caring and thorough assessment in the individual’s natural environment, we create an individualized behavior plan that uses positive intervention strategies and rewards for achieving success. We also help individuals develop practical life skills (details below) in a cost- and time-efficient manner, with an average total service length of six months.
Laurie Singer is available to lead workshops and seminars, and to speak on a variety of behavioral issues. Among the most frequently requested topics are parenting skills for those raising special needs children, improving compliance with treatment goals, establishing appropriate personal boundaries, navigating the sexual and social changes associated with puberty, and strategies for reducing anxiety in the face of personal and family challenges. You can view videos of past events here.
Interested in having Laurie speak to your group? Please Contact Us and we’ll respond to you promptly to see how we can be a resource to you and your organization. If you’d like to receive notifications of upcoming talks, or of newly uploaded videos, please subscribe to our blog.
Parent, Staff and/or Caregiver Training
Parents, staff and/or caregivers are taught positive reinforcement skills. This approach can be generalized across various environments (home, school, worksite and/or the community). These skills are applied to increase an individual’s prosocial behaviors and decrease their maladaptive behaviors. Our goal is to empower families, staff and/or caregivers to confidently set boundaries with the individuals they support.
Anger Management
An anger management program is developed to address the needs of each individual. The program is designed to enable individuals to identify what triggers their anger related outbursts. We teach them the coping skills they need to live happier and healthier lives. An anger management treatment plan may include proactive and reactive strategies to address the behavior.
A Self-Management program is designed based on the specific needs of the individual. We utilize pictorial schedules, daily and/or weekly charts, and weekly planners. We will assist the individual in a step-by-step fashion, mastering one aspect of self-management then moving on to the next. We work with parents, staff and/or other care providers based on the principles of positive reinforcement.
This behavior is based on the individual being non-cooperative or non- compliant with following directives and/or instructions within the home, community, school, worksite and/or day program. Generally, an individual is non-compliant when they follow through with less than 70% of directives. We use the basic principles of behavioral modification, using a positive reinforcement procedure. We write and implement an individualized program using the basic principles of behavior modification and positive reinforcement.
Tantrum or Outburst Behavior Management
Data is collected to identify the antecedents and consequences to the tantrum or outburst behavior. Once the information is collected, an individualized behavioral plan is written based on the function of the behavior. We teach techniques to those supporting the individual with tantrum or outburst behaviors, along with a positive reinforcement plan for appropriate behaviors. We use functional communication training to help the individual with the tantrum or outburst behavior and help them communicate more effectively.
Our specific toileting program consists of two phases. The initial intensive phase is six hours for two consecutive days. The second phase begins immediately after the intensive phase. This phase is implemented until the individual has learned the desired toileting skills. In some cases, the goal is habit training. This entails the individual learning to hold their bladder or bowel movements and only eliminate in the toilet. Habit training does not include self-initiating (going to the toilet independently for all eliminations). In most cases, self-initiation will occur over time.
Sexual Boundaries and Behavior Management
Based on the individual’s sexual history and from collected data, age- appropriate boundaries are taught. Using various forms of visual aids, social stories and behavior training, as well as teaching age-appropriate replacement skills.
Self-Injurious Behavior Management
Intervention may need to be implemented immediately depending on the severity of the behavior. One example would be SIB (Self-Injurious Behaviors) which includes, but is not limited to; skin-picking, head-banging, self-biting or any other behavior inflicted on oneself and causes harm. It is important to collect data on the antecedents and consequences of this behavior. We take a proactive approach by finding the triggers to the SIB and teaching the individual an appropriate replacement behavior based on the principles of behavioral modification.
These skills often include learning how to complete hygiene-related tasks. Each task is broken down into steps that the individual learns in a step-by- step fashion. The steps are taught by visual aids, written instructions, and/or social stories. Self-care skills often include: showering independently, brushing teeth, hair brushing and other personal skills.
We recommend that an individual that is bedwetting see a physician to rule out any medical issues that may be contributing to this behavior. We will gather a history of the problem behavior through interviews with the parent and/or care provider. We will then teach the parent and/or care provider how to collect data on this behavior. Once data is collected and a functional analysis is completed, a treatment plan is written for the individual, parent, and/or caregiver.
Community Safety
An evaluation is completed to assess what skills need to be addressed. The evaluation process may include interviews with the individual, family members or caregivers, followed by direct observation, and data collection. A behavioral treatment plan is written to work on the identified behaviors. When safety issues are occurring in the community, we go to that specific site to address those concerns and implement the behavioral plan. We teach parents, care givers and/or staff to implement the treatment plans as well.
Anxiety Management
Data is collected to identify the triggers to anxious behaviors. This includes, but is not limited to, physical symptoms (i.e., rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, upset stomach) and avoiding behavior (i.e., not driving a car, refusing to go to school, not wanting to enter a shopping mall). Is the individual avoiding specific situations due to the anxiety level they are experiencing? Once the triggers to the behavior are identified and a functional analysis of the behavior is completed, a treatment plan will be written for the individual and their parent and/or caregivers. In many cases, we will teach and utilize role playing and relaxation exercises.
Phobia Management
Treatment for this behavior is similar to the treatment of anxiety disorders. Data is collected to identify the triggers to the individual’s specific phobia. Data is collected, a functional analysis is completed and an individual treatment plan is written. The individual will learn calming techniques along with other strategies and tools to help them overcome the phobia and live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults, Teens and Children